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John Wesley Signs
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wesley copywrite pic smallWho was John Wesley?

John Wesley (1709-1791) was a priest in the Church of England who, along with his brother Charles and several others, engaged in a “methodical” approach to their Christian faith and practice that led to the launch of the Methodist movement in England and, eventually, to the colonies that became the United States. To learn the full story, click here.


Who are the Methodists?

Methodists share their beliefs in common with most orthodox Christian churches. The distinctives of Methodism, however, focus on intentionally growing people in “holiness of heart and life.” The goal of Methodism is to help people become more like Jesus Christ in their words and actions, demonstrating love of God and neighbor in all they say and do. The “method” for helping people to grow is grounded in developing holy habits like worship, prayer, Scripture reading, and serving others, and is cultivated in small groups where people support one another and hold one another accountable. To learn more about Methodist beliefs and practices, click here.


Where did Wesley’s quote on voting come from?

John Wesley was a prolific writer and kept a meticulous journal. On October 6, 1774, Wesley wrote that he gave some advice to his fellow Methodists on how to conduct themselves in the coming parliamentary elections. The full quote from his Journal is as follows:


“I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election, and advised them,

  • To vote, without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy;
  • To speak no evil of the person they voted against; And,
  • To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.”


In this contentious election season, Wesley’s advice seems like a good idea for all of us. We believe that we can hold our convictions and vote our consciences for candidates and issues we prefer while still demonstrating our love for God and love for our neighbors, especially those neighbors with whom we may disagree. We wanted to share Wesley’s election advice with our community as a way of promoting unity, peace, and civility among us all. We continue to pray for God’s wisdom for present and future leaders in our local, state, and federal governments.


Where can I learn more about the Methodists and about becoming a Christian?

There are many great churches in the Tri-Lakes area where you can be connected and learn how to become a Christian. Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church is just one of those churches and, along with our other Christian brothers and sisters in our region, we welcome you to join us on the journey of faith. To learn more about Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church and about what it means to be a Methodist, click here.



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