Laodicea: Jesus Knocking
Sun, Feb 27, 2022
The Book of Revelation holds a lot of fascination for Christians with its bizarre and terrifying imagery and speculation about the “last days.” The pandemic has led many Christians to wonder about the “end times,” but the message of Revelation is really more about how to live with hope and perseverance in the present age with the coming of Christ in mind. In Revelation 2-3, John the Revelator is instructed to pen seven letters or sermons directed to seven churches—sermons that offer both encouragement and warning for staying the course and remaining faithful in difficult days. These seven sermons still speak to the Church today and invite us to consider the ways in which our own church is living in light of the coming of Christ. Join us as Pastor Bob Kaylor takes an in-depth look at these seven sermons and the seven churches of Revelation and what God’s word to them may mean for us today.
January 9 – Greetings from Patmos: An Introduction to the Seven Sermons
January 16 – Ephesus: The Church of Loveless Orthodoxy
January 23 – Smyrna: The Church of the Persevering Persecuted
January 30 – Pergamum: The Church Near Satan’s Throne
February 6 – Thyatira: The Church of Terrible Toleration
February 13 – Sardis: The Church of Sleeping Saints
February 20 – Philadelphia: The Church of the Open Door
February 27 – Laodicea: The Church of the Lukewarm
Companion book for the series: Jeffrey A. D. Weima, The Sermons to the Seven Churches of Revelation: A Commentary and Guide. Baker Academic, 2021.
7 Sermons: The Churches of Revelation
Teacher: Rev. Dr. Bob Kaylor